Thursday, May 10, 2007

King for a Day

Towards the end of next year we’ll all be able to run to the polls and use our immense power of voting to influence our World leaders. But imagine for a moment that YOU were the one elected King of America. Suspend reality long enough to think about how you’d run things.

What three things would you do first to change the country?

You have complete dictorial power here. Forget about that pesky Constitution thing, it has no binding power anyway. A little piece of paper has never stood in the way of any of OUR greatest leaders. Want to bomb Iran? Go ahead! Heck, bomb Canada while you’re at it, what good have they ever done us? Nothing is off limits. Want to raise taxes to pay for your brilliant health care plan? Want to seal the borders with a 20-foot wall and armed military guards? This isn’t some utopian fantasy, whatever you say should be what you REALLY would do, it should make economic sense, and it should make sense for the country and it’s citizenry, not just for you it’s benevolent King.

Crazy foreigners can play too, even though all us Americans know you’re crazy. Either rule over your own country, or you can even rule over ours. After all, we’ve already disregarded the Constitution.

I’ll start:

1) I would abolish the Federal Reserve. The Federal Government would lose the ability to print money from nothing and to regulate interest rates. We’d go back to a commodity-backed dollar. No more inflation.

2) I would dramatically alter foreign policy to make it neutral to all nations. In accordance with this all military bases in foreign lands would be shut down and sold to those countries and all military personal would be brought home day one. This would also entail immediate withdrawal from the United Nations and elimination of financial aid to other governments. Private citizens would still be free to trade with other countries.

3) An immediate end to the War on Drugs and the de-criminalization of all narcotics, including a presidential pardon for all current inmates who are convicted for nothing other than use or possession. This would not only put thousands of violent drug dealers out of business, it would cut funding to criminals and terrorist regimes around the World. Not only that, it would change drugs from a legal issue, to a health issue. Making it a issue to treat with medicine instead of jail time.

Comment on my list or post a list of your own. Or both.


Anonymous said...

That's good :) I'd eliminate all government. From what I can see, the little government just gets power-hungry and turns into a big government eventually, so I guess it's an all or nothing sort of thing. But I think fairly black and white. Your take on drugs is right on. Along that lines, I have a big bone to pick with 'The Meth Project' that they have here in Montana. Billboards up allllll over the place advertising meth. One of them has something written on it about 'I made my girlfriend sell her body' --- and I'm going to have a child eventually in my back seat who can read that. Do I really want to have to explain to my 5 yo what that means? Thank you Montana. Okay, total rabbit trail. Hi Crystal! :)


Scott said...

Thanks for the comment Cara. Interesting how a day into this and the two anarchists are the only ones who have something to say. Hmmmmmm :)

As much as I'd like to see the abolition of government altogether, I don't think an overnite transition would be a good way to go. People are too dependent on it right now, and while that is part of the problem, cutting back on the inept services that they provide and turning them over to individuals to improve them is, I think, the correct route to take. Not an immediate cut off.

Just my thought on it. Thanks again for stopping by.

Crystal Starr said...

If I were the QUEEN for a day I would get rid of property taxes. Once you pay off your house the government should not ever be aloud to take it away.

I would get rid of dumb school taxes too. If schools want more money the parents and students can raise it themselves just like all the other successful private schools.

I would also get rid of all the STUPID registration sticker laws.

I would also take away that STUPID STUPID STUPID law that parents go to jail if their kids miss too much school.

And give all the kids free ice cream every Tuesday!

OK, I know that I didn't play right but I don't want to be Queen I just want to be FREE! And like all the good little Libers and Anarchies know that "Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely." and I don't want to be corrupted!

Crystal Starr said...

Hi Cara!

Juggling Mother said...

I did a few utopian world posts last year.

Actually, a fair number of them have happened - kind of - since then.

Perhaps someone is listening LOL

its here if you want to take a look:-0

Scott said...

Ah, a whole blog dedicated the the way things ought to be? Brilliant.

I'll have to check it out.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting. I haven't thought of that, and fear the thought of me being King for a day.

I like your #2 and #3 a lot. I don't know if #1 would be realistic anymore. On paper, it looks good. I'm just wondering how feasible it would be. You'd probably know better than I would though, because my understanding of macro-economics is far from stellar.

Well, how's this? Get rid of all gun laws short of rocket launchers. I do believe fully automatic weapons should be registered though. No registration for anything less than fully automatic weapons.

For the record, you wouldn't want fully automatic weapons anyways against zombies, because you'll be out of bullets before you'll be out of zombies and you'll need to make your shots count.

Legalize marijuana, pardon all current inmates for marijuana use or possession. I wouldn't do the same for meth though, because I'm very much against meth.

Legalize prostitution completely. It's a victimless crime, and none of anyone's business. Plus, being legal, it would be safer for the prostitutes.

Dang, it's too bad we're limited to only 3 because I believe in enforcing immigration laws and being neutral in foreign policy too, but you only said 3 so those 3 mentioned are mine.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the meth... I think you can be *very against* things and still not have laws against them. I'm against a whole lot of things (including public school :) )... I don't even drink, lol, but I don't think making/keeping them illegal will help anything.


Crystal Starr said...

Ditto what Cara said!

Swinging Sammy said...

Hi Scott,
I've been on haitus for a while, and I come back and see you've been a busy poster!

I think three things i would do:
1. eliminate all laws that have been written since the constitution. Make it mean something again.
2. withdraw from the UN (sorry stole it from you, but I liked that one)
3. Work=money, no work=no money. Except in the case of true disability.
Life's not fair, princess, anyone who tells you differently is selling something.

Crystal Starr said...

I like what Sammy said!

Godwhacker said...

When are you running? You have my vote. Although I think we do need some government. Government should do only those things that only government can. Those being the civil courts, the criminal courts, and a big enough military to protect our boarders. I think the best way to finance that government would be with tariffs and that tariffs should be graduated ~ higher tariffs on statist governments, lower tariffs on free(r) nations.

Scott said...

That's an interesting idea with the tariffs. If you look back a few posts for one called Declare you'll find my current views on government.

Anonymous said...

K, well this is rather old, but I'm not an anarchist any more, as of about an hour ago ;) Here's what I was writing to a friend while trying to defend my anarchism ;)...
Anarchist- An= abscence of; archy= government ---- Politically I believe in the absence of government run by man, but um um um trying to phrase this right, personally I believe that God is a God of order and we are to be like Him and therefore we are not supposed to be chaotic. Hmm, what's the root word for God... Yahweharchist might be a better name for my political affiliation ;) Darin agrees with me on all this. We believe that the world can be orderly and right without a man-lead government. ~~~ Cara (Hi Crystal!)