Monday, June 27, 2005

I Love These Men

Who are they? The creators of my new favorite restaurant, Cereality.

Not that I've ever been there, but I intend to make my first pilgrimage sooner, rather than later. The idea is simple enough. 33 different cereals, 34 different toppings, some milk and a trendy looking bowl. It's like Cold Stone for cereal.
Honestly, what could be better? If they opened a cafe in East Dundee, I think I'd go for every meal, every day. Come to think of it, I wonder how much it would cost to become a franchisee. Think about it, free cereal for life.


With that combination of cereals and toppings, there are easily over a thousand combinations of heaven to enjoy. They even have soy milk for certain types of people.

Anyway, despite these goofs I've put up a new song by Andrew Bird.


Crystal Starr said...

"I intend to make my first pilgrimage sooner, rather than later"

How soon?

Crystal Starr said...

I Love These Men


Sorry I couldn't help myself.


Anonymous said...

SOX SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CUBS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scott said...

Right, okay.

Crystal Starr said...

"SOX SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CUBS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Georgie SUCKS
Crystal RULES!

Anonymous said...

The White Sox magic number is 76, the Cubsd are 20 games behind that!

Crystal Starr said...

exactly! =oD

Anonymous said...

Ok - completely random and unrelated to your entry, but woo-hoo what fun I've had navigating around your blog this last half-hour Scott.

And Crystal's blog is awesome too! (I've loved Melody Green for fifty forevers.) Good stuff.

Your kids are adorable. Oh, and if you get a franchise, I hope you won't be harboring any *cereal* killers. Bwah-ha-ha.

Okey dokey, it's waaay late. Night to all. Dunlap out. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

seegeepee said...

I must note that, some months ago, I gave up my aspirations to true veganism, and once more donned the mantle of moral comprimise via a return to a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet. This was partially motivated out of the conflict of interest between desiring to be in all things unburdensome and self-reliant, and the extraordinary lengths my girlfriend and her family were going to in order to accomodate my "special needs." It was partially because I realized that the decision to eat or not eat a particular food item in and of itself ultimately effects no change, except in terms of monetary support via purchased goods. It was also the further realization that there are a variety of egg and dairy products available at such fine establishments as this which fall under my definition of humanely produced animal byproducts.

When it comes to cereal, however, I do still prefer soymilk to the real stuff. Go figure.

Scott said...

Yeah, was just guessing that they didn't use one of those humane type milks, but who knows.

I really didn't mean it in a condescending way, it was the same day you posted those animal quotes me thinks.

Crystal Starr said...

"And Crystal's blog is awesome too! (I've loved Melody Green for fifty forevers.) Good stuff."

Thank you Debbie! I hope you come back and visit my blog again!


Anonymous said...

So what are some of your favorite cereals any ways?

Anonymous said...

Nothing is better than
"Sugar Crisp"

Crystal Starr said...

My favorite is Fruity Pepples.

Scott said...

I like most cereals really. i don't much care for super sweet ones like Fruity Pebbles or Cocoa Crisp, you know the kind that change the color of your milk and turn it into sugar syrup. I have especially grown fond of the new breed of cereal that has dried fruit in it.