Part of finishing the bathroom involves running a drain pipe from one side of the bathroom floor to the pipe chase in the corner on the other side of the bathroom. Since we only have 2x8's for floor joists, instead of the modern 2x10's we've decided to run a soffit in the room below (the home school room) to hide the pipes under the floor. So since we were going to rip a small portion out of the ceiling anyway, I decided to rip down the whole ceiling because it was old and bad. Plus, I really, really, really(!) hate popcorn ceilings.

Die popcorn ceiling! Die!
Unfortunately I have a bit of a garbage phobia because when we first moved into this house the people who we bought it from left a dumpster full of trash and when I put it out to the curb on garbage day the garbage man rejected it. We had to rent a $400 dumpster to get rid of it all and ever since then I've been scared to put too much garbage to the curb. So I'm only going to fill two garbage cans with the plaster remnants each week. Which equals about this much of our ceiling:

Eghads! This is going to take a month!
Luckily my Sister lives in the same town as me and has volunteered to let me borrow one of her garbage cans so I can drive another can over there for her to put out each week. That outta speed things up. Double luckily, we have free garbage service. Of course there is no such thing as free anything service because I pay for it in our inflated village taxes, but at least it's not by quantity of garbage used.

Check out those sweet 150 year old 2" thick joists. Whew, that plaster is looking rough though.
Okay, so I guess you all want points, you point grubbing greedy leeches! I'll give 30 points to the first person who can correctly guess what movie I'm thinking of every time I think about taking a little bit of plaster (and dirt) to the curb each week to get rid of it. I'll give 15 points to the first person who can tell me what Frank Black's (of Pixies fame) real name is. And 10 points to the first person who can tell what his stage name was before it was changed to Frank Black. And of course there will be bonus points and hand outs along the way for those brave enough to leave comments.
Have at it then!
1. Naked Gun
2. Charles Michael Kittridge Thompson IV
3. Black Francis
no fair, sarah (which is my sister's name and both names, Sadie & Sarah, mean 'princess').
Sarah is correct on #2 and #3. I'm banking she's correct on Naked Gun but I'll err on the side of mixing things up and guess The Money Pit (which you recently added to your que) for #1.
Going for bonus points:
Did you know that The Pixies reunited to do a song on a Powerpuff Girls cartoon?
Yup. Back when Natalie was into the PG, I head this cool song and hen had to wait for the credits to see who did it.
Sarah, you're right on #2 & #3, but I wonder if that was due to your vast knowledge of Pixies music or the vast power of Google. Hmmmmm. Either way you've certainly earned your points. However, you're wrong on #1. In fact I don't think I have seen that movie.
Sarah: 25 points
Sadiee, I wasn't thinking of the Money Pit though I suppose this house could be compared to it. Except that was a big huge house and this one is considerably smaller. I did not know of this Pixies Powerpuff Girl’s song so I’ll award you bonus points for that. And I’ll give you a few more if you can come back and give me the name of the song.
Sadie: 10 points
Well since #2 and #3 were already answered and I know what movie you are talking about because I asked you and you told me...I guess I can't play in this round. =o( Could I get some points for world's longest run on sentence??
Anyway, I am "refreshed" now. What a crazy morning it was today! I'm still a little nervous when I go in the bathroom though and check all the corners before proceeding. I need a hug.
No points for the run-on sentence, but big points for squaring off, one on one, with the chipmunk and coming out victorious.
Crystal: 50 points
NO HUGS 4 U!!!!!!!!!!111
I'm grateful for the 50 points so thank you! But why no hug???? I didn’t want a cyber hug or anything. I meant when you came home, you big mean hug Nazi!
I'll never tell where my vast knowledge comes from. Can I guess again on the movie. I could be totally off but maybe Shawshank Redemption?
Did I get any points for coming back and leaving my comment on your last post (about the song and politics?)
What? Can we just go around giving out hugs willy nilly? Are hugs the gateway to true love? More importantly can hugs solve all the problems of the world?
I'm sure if we go around just hugging people all that would make the world a happier place. Take for instance evil North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il. Maybe all he needs is a hug.
Sarah, you're correct it is in fact Shawshank Redemption. You're really raking in the points today. I'll give you points on your previous comment as well like I promised, though it wasn't really a comment on politics was it? More like a no comment on politics. Tsk tsk.
Sarah: 38 points
No hugs won't solve all the problems of the world but it will make me feel happy. Plus I'm not a dictator (that's more your style) so I don't think that me wanting a hug from my husband is even close to a comparison to what you're saying. And besides maybe if he got enough hugs when he was little he wouldn’t be a big mean crazy dictator! I’m sure if we trace back his family origin we would discover he probably didn’t come from a family of huggers! AND if you don't give me a hug when you get home you will have WW3 on your hands!
Sarah ROCKS!!!
All right! I have more points than Eric!
poo poo
that's all I gotta say. I'm not gonna Google the name of the song because that's not knowledge.
poo poo
MUHAHA! I just looked up the Pixies' Powerpufferdoodle song and this is what I found...
Devo, Byrne To Rock For 'Powerpuff Girls'
04/19/2000 10:00 AM, Yahoo! Music
Craig Rosen
(4/19/00, 10 a.m. ET) - Devo, Talking Heads mastermind David Byrne, and former Pixies Frank Black are among the artists who will rock for the kids on Heroes & Villains, a compilation album inspired by the children's cartoon series, The Powerpuff Girls.
The collection is produced by Devo's Mark Mothersbaugh and Bob Casale, and will also include performances by several critically acclaimed indie rockers, including Shonen Knife, Apples In Stereo, the Sugarplastic, and Bis, who also wrote and recorded the show's closing theme. "Each song on the album focuses on a different aspect of The Powerpuff Girls, and together they tell a story," says series creator Craig McCracken. Heroes & Villains is due from Rhino Records on July 18.
-- Neal Weiss, Los Angeles
Oh gosh.
I love David Byrne. Sincerely.
Oooooo, gloating. Bad form.
Sarah: -2
Saddy, this blog does not give out poo points. Period.
(Do you actually have to put the (.) at the end of the word period when you're using the word period to emphatically end a statement? That's food for thought. OR SHOULD I SAY POO FOR THOUGHT?!?!?!)
Shaddie: 0 points
Crystal, I might go get that album but chances are laziness will win out in the end and I'll forever not hear it. You however are the big winner today because you picked up the ball that Sadie dropped and get her points!
Kristol: 10 points
I love the alternate spellings of sertin peeples' naimes period. Shawshank Redemption is one of my all time favorite movies, number 2 I think.
Yay for me!!
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