Saturday, May 27, 2006


So Danielson was absolutely a huge success as was expected. The man truly is my musical hero. I've been intensively listening to and studying music for the past 15 years and I can honestly say without any hesitation that Daniel Smith is the most creative musician I have ever had the pleasure to listen to. I know his vocals are initially abrasive, but I guarantee that if you give it time you'll learn to love it. Well, no I guess I can't guarantee that because I don't know what you like, but I love it. I would actually pay money to go to a concert just to hear him speak. Just listen to his voice!

And the lyrics?

when i believe that the skin will give peace to my inners,
only winners
are those "me me me" conspiracies

enemies of the spirit of the truth
and the sooth-
sayers talking down my gentle dragon slayer

that dragon aint the love sweet love
that dragon aint the love sweet love
that dragon aint the love sweet love

the rubbernecker ain't no lover,
he's a wrecker
of the family of ties,
now a word for his wives

if you see him checking out my little sister
tell that mister
that his thoughts are quite contrary
and her brothers is big and scary

the temper's hereditary
raised a fight unfairly
comin' to impair me
got good vocabulary

put down that half-baked thought
and get caught
by the purity of truth,
kick the darkhorse in the tooth

the morning after and the ladykiller's dead
self-promotion's in the red
happy hour kicked his dome

that dragon aint the love sweet love
that dragon aint the love sweet love
that dragon aint the love sweet love

that love slapped the dragon
that love ate the dragon
that love cut the dragon
that love ate the dragon
that love broke the dragon
that love ate the dragon

Ten blog points to the first person who can correctly define what the dragon is and another 15 for the first person who can identify what a "rubbernecker" is. Eric and Crystal are excluded from participation.

Speaking of my friend Eric, he started a new blog called Out of Time. Check it out and maybe say something nice because his air conditioner broke today and he'll probably have a bad day at work on Tuesday if what his boss (who is also my boss) was saying about him today in his absence is any indicator. I need to find a sweet picture that will properly represent Eric and once I do I’ll add him to my blogs to love. You might say Eric is basically my best friend, but it's a pretty small pool to choose from so it's really not saying that much. I mean it’s not like we get together and go see movies like V for Vendetta or anything.

Speaking of movies we saw X3 last night thanks to Crystal's sister and her husband who bought us two tickets and some popcorn. X3 was not as good as X2, but it was better than X1. It made some very interesting story lines, but let a few of them fall flat at the end, maybe due to time constraints. Maybe there will be a sweet extended version DVD. My Mom and Dad watched the kids for us despite having to leave for Vegas on Sunday. So we’re thankful for that.

Speaking of the kids, Emily’s surgeon called me on Friday and said that he didn’t feel that she needed to have the surgery on her right side after all. So we’re going to go straight to the radiation treatment and check back on the right side after the radiation treatment leaving the option for surgery open in the future. So that’s good news!

Speaking of good news, I’ve updated the Songs to Love section because I know you were all eagerly anticipating new great music for your ears delight. It’s past time to get started on the best of what 2006 has had to offer so without further delay I give you the Elected’s I’ll be Your Man. The Elected is Blake Sennet who is the guitarist for Rilo Kiley. If you’re like me and you don’t like Rilo Kiley don’t worry, this is very different.

Speaking of songs, remember that old one called Hey Jealousy way back in the 90’s? Well apparently the local club in my neighborhood has switched from local-angry-white-suburban-kid-goth music to washed-up-90’s-bands-who-were-never-really-all-that-good-to-start-with music because they’ll be hosting the Gin Blossoms in July. Weird.

Speaking of weird.


Crystal Starr said...

Pretty much one of the cutest posts ever.

I love that dragon song and what it means, ESPECIALLY what it means!!!!!

My favorite part of the X3 was when the bad guy said the thing at the end of the movie that you thought was cheesybally. My least favorite part was the whole dumb scene with Logan and Jean in the room they NEED to leave that kind of stuff out of movies for real!! It makes me ANGRY!

You know Scott you are one pretty dern kewl kid. Yup yup!

Kristen said...

I knew you'd love the show! :) Cool.

Sadie Lou said...

1. Rubberneck was a slightly offbeat album by the flash-in-the-pan band, The Toadies. Remember that song they sang that was a huge hit?
do you wanna die?
do you wanna die?
do you wanna be my angel

so I have no idea if that verse is in refrence to that band or to the real definition of "rubbernecking" which is when there's an accident or something interesting going on at someone's house and all the nosey neighbours come out to look or drive by an accident to peak at what's going on.
The dragon sounds like a symbol for Satan or sin.

2. I'm jealous you guys saw X3. I'm too excited to see it; probably will be a huge let down. I heard it was kinda rushed.

3. Loved the Gin Blossoms. You should go see them...

Steph Stanger said...

I have no idea what that song is talking about...I did have some interesting thoughts but I really can't share them with you all because then you would know how distorted my little head is! =)While we are on the subject of music... One of my favorite albums of all time is Annie Lennox, Medusa. It was just on the IPOD so I felt like sharing.
Also I remember the Gin Blossomes, good times!

I'm excited for Emily not having to have a third surgery! And I'm glad you and Crystal don't have to to go through that again!

Anonymous said...

I would have to say that the dragon is the writer and that a rubber necker is basically somone who medles in someone elses affairs. Do I get any points?

Scott said...

Sarah, I'm sorry I can't give you any points for your guesses because you're way off. I will give you credit for being Eric's sister and having to live with him for all those years. That must have been pretty trying. I know from having to sit next to him for 9 hours a day how difficult it can be putting up with his nonsense, let alone the odors.

Sarah: 3 points

Steph, I'll give you some points for having distorted thoughts, but I'll also have to deduct some points for naming Annie Lennox as your all time favorite album.

Steph: 1 point

Saddie, you're half right with both of your answers so I'll award you half points for both. You'll have to be more specific with which sin the Dragon represents to get full credit. You're also getting a bonus point for bringing up an obscure 90's one hit wonder band complete with an album name a lyrics sample. They may have been a terrible band but I respect the knowledge.

Saddie: 13.5 points

Kristen: Although you failed to register a guess you get big points for seeing Danielson 6 years a go. Very cool.

Kristen: 100 points

Crystal, you lose points for liking the cheesiest part of X3.

Tsk tsk...

Crystal: -10 points

I'll open the contest up now to Eric and Crystal so we can put this to rest. If anyone wants to try again, feel free.

Crystal Starr said...

OK that's not fair! I don't sit around checking blogs all day like you and Eric. Plus he's sitting right next to you and knew to get over here quick to beat me!


What does the winner win anyway besides points?

Crystal Starr said...

Oh and Scott that part wasn't cheesy just because you say it is! It was redeeming.

Besides you list Army of Darkness as one of your favorite movies, that movie is the king of cheeseballiness! Just shows what you know big dork!

Scott said...

Right, so you just cost yourself another 10 points for insulting Army of Darkness.


Crystal: -10 points

Eric has correctly answered the original questions and has been awarded the full points.


Eric: 25 points

Crystal Starr said...


Stop saying brilliant!

Crystal Starr said...

Scott I just had to say that your organization of Emily's story is wonderful. I am going to change my link to that page so it will be easier for people to track her story and read from the beginning. Really great job there dear, brilliant!

Scott said...

Alright you get a point for the butt kissing.

Crystal: 1 point

Swinging Sammy said...


Sadie Lou said...

I just got back and I have 13.5 points? Who made up the point system? I want a new question because I didn't get to answer the sin question you asked me before "eric the big shot best friend guy" piped up with his guess.
I'm really competitive so, I want you to post another game so I can earn more points. I'm not happy with the score.
It's cool you awarded me points for music knowledge though.