Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I've made a couple of changes to the landscape of Tomato. First I added an index to the right that chronicles the posts Crystal and I have made in regards to our Daughter Emily. For those of you who don't know Emily was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer on Thursday, February 16, 2006. Since then we have used Crystal's blog as a tool to share our story with others and process some of the emotions we've had to deal with. The index I made highlights some of the stops we've made along the way that best describe those emotions and days. I'll update that index as the experience continues and I'd even like to use this blog to make a few personal posts on the subject. But that's all in due time.

Secondly, I've added a scoreboard section to the right to show all of your current points. The way this is going to work is quite simple. I'll award you all points based on your comments and at the end of each two week period there will be a valuable prize awarded to the winner. If you're not currently on the scoreboard don't feel like you're excluded from the contest. Anyone who comments is eligible for points and the value of their comment is weighed and measured by the Official Tomato Panel of Judges to determine the points awarded. It's really a rather brilliant idea and I can't believe it's taken me this long to come up with it but here it is and here it shall stay.

Now remember, the only way this is going to become an official Internet phenomenon is for you to play along, so don't forget to leave your little comments.
Don't feel discouraged if you find yourself way behind in the standings, things can change quicker than you think. I'll always try and think of something that can earn you points with each post I make so make sure to check back often.

For today I'll award points for your comments on the current song in the Songs to Love section, I'll be Your Man. Let's say 5 points per sentence.

Lets see, what else?

Oh! I did make a button for Eric's little blog though it seems as though he's lost his posting thunder. I have a talent for linking to blogs just as they make their last post so hopefully this won't be another in that lineage. hint hint eric

Finally it's worthy to note that our house seems to be the target of vandals. We have a pair of wooden beam fences at either end of our yard and both of them we're broken when I woke up this morning. Now it is possible that this damage is the product of a rather violent storm that ripper through our area last night, but the thought of a gust of wind breaking a wood plank in half is a tad bit far fetched. I'm really not sure there is anything I can do about this other than replace the broken timbers and hope they've let out all of their aggression.

Oh well.


Swinging Sammy said...

Ahhh, i remember the days when I was able to post all day long... Nice arrangment of links to Emily's story, you both should see about publishing this in a handbook for parents or something like that.

Crystal Starr said...

Ok well I listened to your song and I think it is very pretty. I have also heard it a hundred times before because you have played it at least that many times. Every time I see the title or hear it though I think of Frank Black's song, I'll Be Your Man, which is also a great song. (I should get points for complimenting Frank Black!). I also really like your button for the song, very cute!

As I said before in your previous post I really like your Emily set up! I am going to link it on my blog as soon as I get unlazy and spruce it up a little bit too.

OK well I think I rambled on long enough.

Did I mention I think you're REALLY handsome and smart?

Crystal Starr said...

Oh yay, Sammy's back! We posted at the same time.

Steph Stanger said...

Scott, I feel insulted by your 1 point. In the future I would rather no points to 1 pitty point. Thats all I have to say about that.

Sadie Lou said...

Well Scott, You and the Tomato Judges need to reconsider my points for the fact that you spelled my name wrong (Sadie--although, the double d's could blend in nicely with my middle names which is Colleen)***
Now, about the song, "I'll Be Your Man". The beginning reminded me of a lead-in for a Tim Burton movie--think Beetlejuice or Edward Scissorhands. Then the vocals come in and I'm instantly floating away into a musical wonderland filled with floating clouds and puffy Care Bear hearts.

***I said "double d's

I liked the song. It was fantasy-ish.

Crystal Starr said...

Scott I am so mad at you I could scream! Why is, "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?" being shipped to us instead of my Law and Order? You know that I had to wait NINE days for them to get a movie to me that was supposedly in the mail and my frustration with Netflix. If you don't have that movie watched by tomorrow night I am shipping it back. Yes that is a threat.


Crystal Starr said...

You have totally stepped on my trumpet!!!

Scott said...

Sammy, hope you had a nice trip. Here’s some points to welcome you home.

Sammy: 5 points

Steph, the judges wanted me to tell you that they don’t give out “pity” points. Each person is awarded the exact amount of points they deserve based on a stringent point scale. I argued on your behalf but they are not easily swayed on these matters. They pointed out that they did award you more points than that but had to deduct as well so it just ended up being 1 point. They have agreed to give you points though for this comment.

Steph: 2 points

Sadddie, sorry about the misspelling of your name. I’ll make sure that it never happens again. You used three sentences for your thoughts on the song and one of the sentences is hyphenated so I’ll tack on half credit for that. However I will have to penalize you for leaving lewd remarks on my blog.

Sadie: 15.5 points

Crystal, I have no idea how that movie got on our queue. Coincidently though, I have been wanting to see that very film so I’ll watch it as soon as possible. I really hope that it will make up for the mishap and there will be no hard feelings. You only actually made one sentence about the song, btw. The rest was about other stuff and there is no Frank Black song called I’ll be Your Man (You’re thinking of Here Comes Your Man by the Pixies). I’d love to award you more than 5 points but the judges just won’t allow it.

Crystal: 5 points

P.S. Eric wants to see that movie too so it’ll be a couple more days before we can return it. oh nos!

Crystal Starr said...

P.S. Eric wants to see that movie too so it’ll be a couple more days before we can return it. oh nos!

WHAT!?!?! No can do.

Crystal Starr said...

I changed my mind and decided to let Eric borrow the movie (even though he was making fun of me for liking Law and Order =o( !!) because it's pretty cool and he should watch it.

Steph Stanger said...

Kim and I want to see that movie too...and in the spirit of negative points we love the Cubs and U2!

Scott said...

Oh no no no, you can't manipulate the judges into giving you negative points. They wouldn't give people points for being Cubs fans at this point anyway. Talk about kicking a man when he's down. Actually, I feel sorry for you Cub's fans. The judges have decided to award you pity points for your illogical allegiance to Cubdom.

Tell Kim that movie has Five Iron Frenzy in it. I don't know who they are but I remember she used to have their shirt.

And tell her if she wants negative points she'll have to come here and make comments on her own.

Steph: 9 points

Crystal Starr said...

I am not letting anyone else borrow this movie anyway. Except Katie because her friend is in the movie. After that I am shipping it back to Netflix so I don't have to wait FOREVER to get another movie.

Sadie Lou said...

Thanks so much. I apologize for the lewd comments. For the record, I like double d's better than triple. I'm just sayin'.

sdixon82 said...

This might give me negative points but I didn't know the song you were talking about so I googled it. The only thing I came up with was a bluesy Los Blancos version with people cheering on his electric guitar riffs in the background. I liked it. does it help that I'm a Sox fan?

Scott said...

Sarah, you can download the song I'm talking about on the right column on my blog under Songs to Love. Just click on the song name, I'll Be Your Man.