I'd like to interrupt the current blog post to interject a special note. Currently, as it stands, Tomato is the 11th most relevant source on the Internet for that eternal question; "do i choose my husband or my lover."
This just proves what I've said all along, Tomato is your one stop blog for all of life's most important questions!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I've made a couple of changes to the landscape of Tomato. First I added an index to the right that chronicles the posts Crystal and I have made in regards to our Daughter Emily. For those of you who don't know Emily was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer on Thursday, February 16, 2006. Since then we have used Crystal's blog as a tool to share our story with others and process some of the emotions we've had to deal with. The index I made highlights some of the stops we've made along the way that best describe those emotions and days. I'll update that index as the experience continues and I'd even like to use this blog to make a few personal posts on the subject. But that's all in due time.
Secondly, I've added a scoreboard section to the right to show all of your current points. The way this is going to work is quite simple. I'll award you all points based on your comments and at the end of each two week period there will be a valuable prize awarded to the winner. If you're not currently on the scoreboard don't feel like you're excluded from the contest. Anyone who comments is eligible for points and the value of their comment is weighed and measured by the Official Tomato Panel of Judges to determine the points awarded. It's really a rather brilliant idea and I can't believe it's taken me this long to come up with it but here it is and here it shall stay.
Now remember, the only way this is going to become an official Internet phenomenon is for you to play along, so don't forget to leave your little comments.
Don't feel discouraged if you find yourself way behind in the standings, things can change quicker than you think. I'll always try and think of something that can earn you points with each post I make so make sure to check back often.
For today I'll award points for your comments on the current song in the Songs to Love section, I'll be Your Man. Let's say 5 points per sentence.
Lets see, what else?
Oh! I did make a button for Eric's little blog though it seems as though he's lost his posting thunder. I have a talent for linking to blogs just as they make their last post so hopefully this won't be another in that lineage. hint hint eric
Finally it's worthy to note that our house seems to be the target of vandals. We have a pair of wooden beam fences at either end of our yard and both of them we're broken when I woke up this morning. Now it is possible that this damage is the product of a rather violent storm that ripper through our area last night, but the thought of a gust of wind breaking a wood plank in half is a tad bit far fetched. I'm really not sure there is anything I can do about this other than replace the broken timbers and hope they've let out all of their aggression.
Oh well.
Secondly, I've added a scoreboard section to the right to show all of your current points. The way this is going to work is quite simple. I'll award you all points based on your comments and at the end of each two week period there will be a valuable prize awarded to the winner. If you're not currently on the scoreboard don't feel like you're excluded from the contest. Anyone who comments is eligible for points and the value of their comment is weighed and measured by the Official Tomato Panel of Judges to determine the points awarded. It's really a rather brilliant idea and I can't believe it's taken me this long to come up with it but here it is and here it shall stay.
Now remember, the only way this is going to become an official Internet phenomenon is for you to play along, so don't forget to leave your little comments.
Don't feel discouraged if you find yourself way behind in the standings, things can change quicker than you think. I'll always try and think of something that can earn you points with each post I make so make sure to check back often.
For today I'll award points for your comments on the current song in the Songs to Love section, I'll be Your Man. Let's say 5 points per sentence.
Lets see, what else?
Oh! I did make a button for Eric's little blog though it seems as though he's lost his posting thunder. I have a talent for linking to blogs just as they make their last post so hopefully this won't be another in that lineage. hint hint eric
Finally it's worthy to note that our house seems to be the target of vandals. We have a pair of wooden beam fences at either end of our yard and both of them we're broken when I woke up this morning. Now it is possible that this damage is the product of a rather violent storm that ripper through our area last night, but the thought of a gust of wind breaking a wood plank in half is a tad bit far fetched. I'm really not sure there is anything I can do about this other than replace the broken timbers and hope they've let out all of their aggression.
Oh well.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
So Danielson was absolutely a huge success as was expected. The man truly is my musical hero. I've been intensively listening to and studying music for the past 15 years and I can honestly say without any hesitation that Daniel Smith is the most creative musician I have ever had the pleasure to listen to. I know his vocals are initially abrasive, but I guarantee that if you give it time you'll learn to love it. Well, no I guess I can't guarantee that because I don't know what you like, but I love it. I would actually pay money to go to a concert just to hear him speak. Just listen to his voice!
And the lyrics?
when i believe that the skin will give peace to my inners,
only winners
are those "me me me" conspiracies
enemies of the spirit of the truth
and the sooth-
sayers talking down my gentle dragon slayer
that dragon aint the love sweet love
that dragon aint the love sweet love
that dragon aint the love sweet love
the rubbernecker ain't no lover,
he's a wrecker
of the family of ties,
now a word for his wives
if you see him checking out my little sister
tell that mister
that his thoughts are quite contrary
and her brothers is big and scary
the temper's hereditary
raised a fight unfairly
comin' to impair me
got good vocabulary
put down that half-baked thought
and get caught
by the purity of truth,
kick the darkhorse in the tooth
the morning after and the ladykiller's dead
self-promotion's in the red
happy hour kicked his dome
that dragon aint the love sweet love
that dragon aint the love sweet love
that dragon aint the love sweet love
that love slapped the dragon
that love ate the dragon
that love cut the dragon
that love ate the dragon
that love broke the dragon
that love ate the dragon
Ten blog points to the first person who can correctly define what the dragon is and another 15 for the first person who can identify what a "rubbernecker" is. Eric and Crystal are excluded from participation.
Speaking of my friend Eric, he started a new blog called Out of Time. Check it out and maybe say something nice because his air conditioner broke today and he'll probably have a bad day at work on Tuesday if what his boss (who is also my boss) was saying about him today in his absence is any indicator. I need to find a sweet picture that will properly represent Eric and once I do I’ll add him to my blogs to love. You might say Eric is basically my best friend, but it's a pretty small pool to choose from so it's really not saying that much. I mean it’s not like we get together and go see movies like V for Vendetta or anything.
Speaking of movies we saw X3 last night thanks to Crystal's sister and her husband who bought us two tickets and some popcorn. X3 was not as good as X2, but it was better than X1. It made some very interesting story lines, but let a few of them fall flat at the end, maybe due to time constraints. Maybe there will be a sweet extended version DVD. My Mom and Dad watched the kids for us despite having to leave for Vegas on Sunday. So we’re thankful for that.
Speaking of the kids, Emily’s surgeon called me on Friday and said that he didn’t feel that she needed to have the surgery on her right side after all. So we’re going to go straight to the radiation treatment and check back on the right side after the radiation treatment leaving the option for surgery open in the future. So that’s good news!
Speaking of good news, I’ve updated the Songs to Love section because I know you were all eagerly anticipating new great music for your ears delight. It’s past time to get started on the best of what 2006 has had to offer so without further delay I give you the Elected’s I’ll be Your Man. The Elected is Blake Sennet who is the guitarist for Rilo Kiley. If you’re like me and you don’t like Rilo Kiley don’t worry, this is very different.
Speaking of songs, remember that old one called Hey Jealousy way back in the 90’s? Well apparently the local club in my neighborhood has switched from local-angry-white-suburban-kid-goth music to washed-up-90’s-bands-who-were-never-really-all-that-good-to-start-with music because they’ll be hosting the Gin Blossoms in July. Weird.
Speaking of weird.
And the lyrics?
when i believe that the skin will give peace to my inners,
only winners
are those "me me me" conspiracies
enemies of the spirit of the truth
and the sooth-
sayers talking down my gentle dragon slayer
that dragon aint the love sweet love
that dragon aint the love sweet love
that dragon aint the love sweet love
the rubbernecker ain't no lover,
he's a wrecker
of the family of ties,
now a word for his wives
if you see him checking out my little sister
tell that mister
that his thoughts are quite contrary
and her brothers is big and scary
the temper's hereditary
raised a fight unfairly
comin' to impair me
got good vocabulary
put down that half-baked thought
and get caught
by the purity of truth,
kick the darkhorse in the tooth
the morning after and the ladykiller's dead
self-promotion's in the red
happy hour kicked his dome
that dragon aint the love sweet love
that dragon aint the love sweet love
that dragon aint the love sweet love
that love slapped the dragon
that love ate the dragon
that love cut the dragon
that love ate the dragon
that love broke the dragon
that love ate the dragon
Ten blog points to the first person who can correctly define what the dragon is and another 15 for the first person who can identify what a "rubbernecker" is. Eric and Crystal are excluded from participation.
Speaking of my friend Eric, he started a new blog called Out of Time. Check it out and maybe say something nice because his air conditioner broke today and he'll probably have a bad day at work on Tuesday if what his boss (who is also my boss) was saying about him today in his absence is any indicator. I need to find a sweet picture that will properly represent Eric and once I do I’ll add him to my blogs to love. You might say Eric is basically my best friend, but it's a pretty small pool to choose from so it's really not saying that much. I mean it’s not like we get together and go see movies like V for Vendetta or anything.
Speaking of movies we saw X3 last night thanks to Crystal's sister and her husband who bought us two tickets and some popcorn. X3 was not as good as X2, but it was better than X1. It made some very interesting story lines, but let a few of them fall flat at the end, maybe due to time constraints. Maybe there will be a sweet extended version DVD. My Mom and Dad watched the kids for us despite having to leave for Vegas on Sunday. So we’re thankful for that.
Speaking of the kids, Emily’s surgeon called me on Friday and said that he didn’t feel that she needed to have the surgery on her right side after all. So we’re going to go straight to the radiation treatment and check back on the right side after the radiation treatment leaving the option for surgery open in the future. So that’s good news!
Speaking of good news, I’ve updated the Songs to Love section because I know you were all eagerly anticipating new great music for your ears delight. It’s past time to get started on the best of what 2006 has had to offer so without further delay I give you the Elected’s I’ll be Your Man. The Elected is Blake Sennet who is the guitarist for Rilo Kiley. If you’re like me and you don’t like Rilo Kiley don’t worry, this is very different.
Speaking of songs, remember that old one called Hey Jealousy way back in the 90’s? Well apparently the local club in my neighborhood has switched from local-angry-white-suburban-kid-goth music to washed-up-90’s-bands-who-were-never-really-all-that-good-to-start-with music because they’ll be hosting the Gin Blossoms in July. Weird.
Speaking of weird.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Okay, I only do sports posts once in a while so give me this one
For the second time in a week Micheal Barrett took exception to an opposing player scoring against his team. The first time he shoved the Padres' Dave Roberts because he stole third when the Cubs were losing by two in the 5th. This time he punched A.J. Pierzynski in the face because he doesn't like that Pierzynski plays hard.
Here's a great article by Phil Rogers describing how while the White Sox may have the best record in Major League Baseball, they don't have the best record in all of organized baseball. That honor goes to the 30-8 Charlotte Knights, who just happen to be White Sox triple A team.
Maybe Micheal Barrett could find some people in Charlotte to punch too.
Monday, May 15, 2006
The Day After Mother's Day
Hello Crystal and blog world. I was going to send this letter to my wife privately, but have instead decided to post it here as public announcement so that everyone (Or at lest the 5 people who read this blog) can see what a great wife and mother she is.
Dearest Crystal,
Thanks for the loving note this morning. I really appreciate that you understood me last night and immediately took steps to fill my needs.
However, the thought occurred to me that, though you have not expressed it in specific words, you have a very similar need from me. Often times in your dealings with the children you express sorrow over my corrections of your interactions with them. I admit it frustrates me because I feel as though your attitude towards them is at times harsh and you fail to recognize that and own up to it. But as I read your letter I realized that, just as I could not own up to my faults in our relationship without you giving me credit for what I had done right, you are most like saturated and overwhelmed with feelings of failure in regards to our children.
What’s worst is I fear it is mostly my fault.
Throughout our marriage you have met and exceeded all expectations I’ve had in raising our children. And consistently I have failed to confirm that fact verbally. Our children are all obedient, intelligent, and loving. Even more important, they truly desire to do what’s right. I cannot stress enough how very important that is. 9 times out of 10 they will choose to fill other peoples needs before their own. THIS IS ALL YOUR DOING!!! You have taught them so well Crystal. You’re right. I have no fears as they face the future because I know that the values instilled in them will help them throughout their lives.
You’ve completely sacrificed everything for them. Your unselfish dedication to their lives is as honorable as any missionary, philanthropist, or servant. I’ve yet to meet any mother who is as in love with their children as you. Never have you complained about the cost you’ve had to pay for their care. The sacrifices you’ve made number in the thousands and are more than anyone can understand. I’m quite sure they will not be measured and repaid until heaven.
You’ve stayed dedicated to schooling our children as well. Maintaining their education throughout your pregnancy with Madison and even after when she was a demanding infant. You’ve yet to show any lapse at any period despite all of life’s demands. There is no one else I would rather have raising my children. You are everything I could desire in a mother to my children.
Please forgive me for my own shortcomings as a father. You’re right when you tell me I don’t connect with our children enough. I have so many interests in the world; too many. My attention is often divided and unavailable. I need to focus my time and energy on you and the children more often, and swear to do so more often.
Please forgive me for my shortcomings as a husband. I’ve failed to offer you my full support in the upbringing of our children. My criticisms of you have been unjust. I pledge to this day forth work with you, not above you, to raise our children and build you up as a mother.
I love you Crystal and happy day after Mother’s Day.
Scott Robert Kunze
Dearest Crystal,
Thanks for the loving note this morning. I really appreciate that you understood me last night and immediately took steps to fill my needs.
However, the thought occurred to me that, though you have not expressed it in specific words, you have a very similar need from me. Often times in your dealings with the children you express sorrow over my corrections of your interactions with them. I admit it frustrates me because I feel as though your attitude towards them is at times harsh and you fail to recognize that and own up to it. But as I read your letter I realized that, just as I could not own up to my faults in our relationship without you giving me credit for what I had done right, you are most like saturated and overwhelmed with feelings of failure in regards to our children.
What’s worst is I fear it is mostly my fault.
Throughout our marriage you have met and exceeded all expectations I’ve had in raising our children. And consistently I have failed to confirm that fact verbally. Our children are all obedient, intelligent, and loving. Even more important, they truly desire to do what’s right. I cannot stress enough how very important that is. 9 times out of 10 they will choose to fill other peoples needs before their own. THIS IS ALL YOUR DOING!!! You have taught them so well Crystal. You’re right. I have no fears as they face the future because I know that the values instilled in them will help them throughout their lives.
You’ve completely sacrificed everything for them. Your unselfish dedication to their lives is as honorable as any missionary, philanthropist, or servant. I’ve yet to meet any mother who is as in love with their children as you. Never have you complained about the cost you’ve had to pay for their care. The sacrifices you’ve made number in the thousands and are more than anyone can understand. I’m quite sure they will not be measured and repaid until heaven.
You’ve stayed dedicated to schooling our children as well. Maintaining their education throughout your pregnancy with Madison and even after when she was a demanding infant. You’ve yet to show any lapse at any period despite all of life’s demands. There is no one else I would rather have raising my children. You are everything I could desire in a mother to my children.
Please forgive me for my own shortcomings as a father. You’re right when you tell me I don’t connect with our children enough. I have so many interests in the world; too many. My attention is often divided and unavailable. I need to focus my time and energy on you and the children more often, and swear to do so more often.
Please forgive me for my shortcomings as a husband. I’ve failed to offer you my full support in the upbringing of our children. My criticisms of you have been unjust. I pledge to this day forth work with you, not above you, to raise our children and build you up as a mother.
I love you Crystal and happy day after Mother’s Day.
Scott Robert Kunze
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Yes, well I know I mentioned yesterday I would write about sin and such today, but really I’m not in the mood. No worries though, sin will always be around, and today we’ve got much happier things to cover!
About a year ago now I did a review on this very blog for a semi popular indie artist’s new album. I gushed and raved about him being the best song writer currently writing music and how there probably wouldn’t be a better album than Illinoise in 2005. There wasn’t. And Sufjan Stevens is great. But this post is actually going to be about Sufjan Stevens’ musical mentor. Mr. Daniel Smith. AKA Br. Danielson AKA the leader of the Danielson Family. Or Danielson Famile. Or Danielson, depending on the record.
Danielson just released Ships, an album collaborating over 20 artists including Deerhoof, Sufjan Stevens, and Why. It's already received critical acclaim including a 9.1 on Pitchfork. Danielson will annoy a lot of people, but to people sick of boring run-of-the-mill Christian music lacking in creativity Danielson is the cure. With his high pitched voice and an army of unconventional rock instruments from whistles to xylophones Danielson's lyrics are unashamedly Christian but never clichéd.
The Danileson Family wears their hearts on their sleeves
As a musical artist I respect Danielson's creativity more than any other artist I've ever heard. He's been recording for over ten years and still keeps his day job as a carpenter. Later this month I will have the opportunity to see the Danielson Family live for the first time. I'm as excited as can be. I'm including a bunch of songs you download below and adding one of my favorite Danielson songs to the Songs to Love section over there ->
About a year ago now I did a review on this very blog for a semi popular indie artist’s new album. I gushed and raved about him being the best song writer currently writing music and how there probably wouldn’t be a better album than Illinoise in 2005. There wasn’t. And Sufjan Stevens is great. But this post is actually going to be about Sufjan Stevens’ musical mentor. Mr. Daniel Smith. AKA Br. Danielson AKA the leader of the Danielson Family. Or Danielson Famile. Or Danielson, depending on the record.
Danielson bears fruit for his Lord
Danielson just released Ships, an album collaborating over 20 artists including Deerhoof, Sufjan Stevens, and Why. It's already received critical acclaim including a 9.1 on Pitchfork. Danielson will annoy a lot of people, but to people sick of boring run-of-the-mill Christian music lacking in creativity Danielson is the cure. With his high pitched voice and an army of unconventional rock instruments from whistles to xylophones Danielson's lyrics are unashamedly Christian but never clichéd.

As a musical artist I respect Danielson's creativity more than any other artist I've ever heard. He's been recording for over ten years and still keeps his day job as a carpenter. Later this month I will have the opportunity to see the Danielson Family live for the first time. I'm as excited as can be. I'm including a bunch of songs you download below and adding one of my favorite Danielson songs to the Songs to Love section over there ->
MP3’s hosted by Danielson’s label Secretly Canadian:
Did I Step On Your Trumpet
Things Against Stuff
MP3's hosted by Danielson’s own label Sounds Familyre
Cutest Lil’ Dragon
Daughters Will Tune You
Danielson’s MySpace page with more music - http://www.myspace.com/danielson
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Where is your line drawn?
This post is going to be a little more geared towards Christians I suppose but of course any one is welcome and encouraged to partake in any discussions on this blog.
I tend to visit more progressive Christian blogs than fundamental ones. In fact I don't really visit any fundamental Christian blogs. I certainly wouldn't describe myself as either progressive Christian or fundamental. In the past I've felt alienated by the traditional church because of many of their modernist practices that the Emergent Church would protest to. However, at the same time I'm quite put off by the current trend of deconstruction-ism that the Emergent Church holds so tightly to, especially when it comes to basic theology.
So all in all I'm some what outside of any of the current Christian trends. And really that's quite okay with me. And the reason I visit so many of these progressive blogs is because I really do value the opinions of others and appreciate the fact that many of these people are forming ideas and putting words to their thoughts. It's certainly much more interesting than the standard run of Christian cliché. And I truly do hold to the notion that an informed opinion of dissent is much more valuable than an uninformed opinion that might agree with my own.
But more than once in a while I'll come across a blog post that is so foreign to me that it seems like we worship different Gods.
Now there's an idea that has been brewing in my mind for some time and I don't want to get into at this point but I'll reveal enough to say it has to do with the ongoing debate between factions within the Christian Church. And specifically how do we address differences in what we believe with respect and maintain fellowship. But before that can even be addressed the question that always sticks in my head is; Who is the Church?
In other words if you were to hold a discussion between other Christians about things like theology, Christ, or political ideology and the common thread were that you were all there calling yourself Christians what ideas would you rule out? What's the border between the ones you would allow in the round table discussion and the ones you'd ask to step away?
Now I'd like to stay away from the obvious ones like say a person who calls themselves a Christian but likes to talk about the glory of Satan himself. Things like that. But what about things that are closer to the border? Like could you accept a Christian who doesn't think the Bible holds absolute truth? Or a Christian who doesn't think Christ is the only way to salvation? Or how about one who says God hates gays?
Where is your line? Or do you even have a line?
P.S. I've decided I'll put up a new song in the Songs to Love feature after I get a couple of comments about each song. This rule does not pertain to Crystal who I already know hates all of my music.
I tend to visit more progressive Christian blogs than fundamental ones. In fact I don't really visit any fundamental Christian blogs. I certainly wouldn't describe myself as either progressive Christian or fundamental. In the past I've felt alienated by the traditional church because of many of their modernist practices that the Emergent Church would protest to. However, at the same time I'm quite put off by the current trend of deconstruction-ism that the Emergent Church holds so tightly to, especially when it comes to basic theology.
So all in all I'm some what outside of any of the current Christian trends. And really that's quite okay with me. And the reason I visit so many of these progressive blogs is because I really do value the opinions of others and appreciate the fact that many of these people are forming ideas and putting words to their thoughts. It's certainly much more interesting than the standard run of Christian cliché. And I truly do hold to the notion that an informed opinion of dissent is much more valuable than an uninformed opinion that might agree with my own.
But more than once in a while I'll come across a blog post that is so foreign to me that it seems like we worship different Gods.
Now there's an idea that has been brewing in my mind for some time and I don't want to get into at this point but I'll reveal enough to say it has to do with the ongoing debate between factions within the Christian Church. And specifically how do we address differences in what we believe with respect and maintain fellowship. But before that can even be addressed the question that always sticks in my head is; Who is the Church?
In other words if you were to hold a discussion between other Christians about things like theology, Christ, or political ideology and the common thread were that you were all there calling yourself Christians what ideas would you rule out? What's the border between the ones you would allow in the round table discussion and the ones you'd ask to step away?
Now I'd like to stay away from the obvious ones like say a person who calls themselves a Christian but likes to talk about the glory of Satan himself. Things like that. But what about things that are closer to the border? Like could you accept a Christian who doesn't think the Bible holds absolute truth? Or a Christian who doesn't think Christ is the only way to salvation? Or how about one who says God hates gays?
Where is your line? Or do you even have a line?
P.S. I've decided I'll put up a new song in the Songs to Love feature after I get a couple of comments about each song. This rule does not pertain to Crystal who I already know hates all of my music.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Bloggerin' (again)
I guess I should post here every once in a while, since it is my blog and all. Heck, even my Dad has told me I need to update my blog. So I added a few different blog links to the right to blogs I actually read instead of the old ones that were there before. I also added a couple of sites I like, one of which is my Brother-in-Law's site House Moves.
I'm going to really try and update this every other day at the least. I don't know what I'll say but it's bound to inform and entertain.
Or not.
I also updated the Songs to Love section at the right with a live performance of Sufjan Stevens doing the Star Spangled Banner like only Sufjan can do. I haven't updated to songs all year so I have some catching up to do with the best of '06. Check back often if you're interested in those things because I'm going to change the songs often.
Okay, so that's one post.
I'm going to really try and update this every other day at the least. I don't know what I'll say but it's bound to inform and entertain.
Or not.
I also updated the Songs to Love section at the right with a live performance of Sufjan Stevens doing the Star Spangled Banner like only Sufjan can do. I haven't updated to songs all year so I have some catching up to do with the best of '06. Check back often if you're interested in those things because I'm going to change the songs often.
Okay, so that's one post.
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