Thursday, October 19, 2006

lol blog

So it's been a while.

Just to recap a few things that happened while I was away for those who don't wander over the Crystals' blog all that much, my 60GB iPod was stolen and the transmission on my Elantra went out yesterday. Sooo, bad (read: expensive) week or so.

Caught up? Good.

Um, in other news I watched an episode of South Park for the first time recently. I watched it because it dealt with 9/11 conspiracy theories and there's nothing I like more than people making fun of idiots. Well that's not true, there are other things I like more such as Twizzlers, music, and people NOT STEALING MY IPOD, ACTUALLY, BTW!!!!!!!!!!!oneoneone

At any rate, it's a notoriously crude show and it certainly lived up to it's reputation, but at the same time I found some of the humor to be pretty intelligent and the moral of the story was spot on. It's basically very similar to how I felt about Team America.

The elections are coming up soon and Illinois finally has a Libertarian candidate for Governor. He's a write in, since the Libertarian party in Illinois is not very organized, but it's good enough for me. I was afraid I was going to have to vote for the Green party candidate, but that wasn't something I really wanted to do. Still, it would have been better than wasting my vote on a Republican or a Democrat. Anyway, his name is Mark McCoy and if you live in Illinois please consider writing his name on your ballot. He's even got a sweet MySpace page. Whatever you do, please don't waste your vote by voting for one of these goofs.

I suppose that's enough for now. Hopefully this will get me back in the rhythm of updating this thing a bit more consistently.


Crystal Starr said...

Um...South Park? Ew. Um...Team America? Double ew.

I'm so excited there is a Libertarian running!!! I was just going to write you in but now I won't.

Sorry about your iPod and the car babe. You are handling really well. I have several people tell me that they would have committed suicide but since you didn't that's good! But the up side is you can one day maybe get a Creative and we can say goodbye to Mac forever!!! =oD

dbackdad said...

Doh. We have an Elantra. Hopefully transmission trouble doesn't run in the family.

We had to pony up about $2K on our last car, a Saturn, for a new transmission. Cars suck.

dbackdad said...

Speaking of Libertarians and South Park, thought you might find this article interesting:

South Park Refugees

My buddy sent me the link. He's a self-professed South Park Republican.

Scott said...

Crystal you can still vote for me if you want.

Well to be fair the car has 96,000 miles on it so I don't think it's crazy for the trans to have trouble. I shouldn't say it's blown I guess because I haven't actually gotten word from the mechanic yet, but that's what it felt like to me. I'll let you know. Other than that I love the car. I certainly can't afford a Prius as much as I'd love one, so this is where it's at for me.

I've actually heard Stone and Parker were Libertarians before, but I'd not heard of the "South Park Republican" thing. Their story is quite common among libertarians. Many, like me, say things like, "I've always been a Libertarian, I just didn't know it."

Thanks for the link.

Swinging Sammy said...

sorry about your Ipod and your car, I wonder which loss was worse?

I literally lol when I read, "!!!oneoneone" That was very clever.

Scott said...

Well it is the transmission. They want 2000 to fix it.

Looks like I'm gonna be without a car for a few months.

Crystal Starr said...

Scott I love you. This too shall pass, probably, it just may take a while. =)

Crystal Starr said...

OK, I'm going to write you in. Not because I pity you though. OK, because I pity you!

dbackdad said...

Sorry man.

Scott said...

Well I talked the guy down to 1500 so that's a little better anyway.

Crystal Starr said...

Scott you ROCK!

Sadie Lou said...

I like how you comment on dback dad's Departed review and not mine.

Crystal Starr said...

OK, I came up with a real idea for a post. How about you blog about the movie we saw??

Sadie Lou said...

Okay, I just wanted you to know that I responded to a comment you made about home school and public school on dbackdad's post on schools.

Swinging Sammy said...

ok lol blog, it's been even longer now.

Scott said...

OK, I came up with a real idea for a post. How about you blog about the movie we saw??


Okay, I just wanted you to know that I responded to a comment you made about home school and public school on dbackdad's post on schools.

I saw that. I understand that public school parents work hard. Suggesting they don't wasn't my goal. I was merely defending myself, I suppose against Dback's claim that homeschooling is a cop out. Yours was a good comment though.

ok lol blog, it's been even longer now.

New post up moments from now. :)