Tuesday, October 10, 2006

BOOYAKASHA!! Hijacked again bro!

YO YO YO!!!!! You bes' start respekkin' your 2 reader peeps and get to steppin' on writIN a new post yo!


Crystal Starr said...

Yo halla back!

Scott said...

I think this post is racialist.

Crystal Starr said...

Ah you're just an anoose!

Sadie Lou said...

Have you seen Weird Al's video for White & Nerdy?
Reminds me of this....

Swinging Sammy said...

that video is hilarious!!

Crystal Starr said...

Hmmm...you want your stair files and I want a REAL new post. It looks like we both have something the other wants...so whatcha gonna do???

Scott said...

If you want me to post something give me a topic because I gots nothin.

And make sure it's not a dumb topic.

Crystal Starr said...


What are you doing?

I intend to document my beliefs on a variety of subjects, from religious to social issues. The idea came about from a book about Ayn Rand I read. It was described that she had a journal in which she recorded, at a very young age, all of the beliefs that she formed. She finished it in her teens and, according to the book, even though as her years went on she would fine tune each idea, the basic principles she believed never changed. While my opinions and those of Ms. Rand are not all the same, it has inspired me to try and recreate what she achieved.

The format will be simple; I'll title a post with a general subject, for example, "God", then attempt to define what I believe about this subject. If done correctly, none of these principles should contradict each other, and when applied they should form the basis by which I vote, raise my children, work, and live my everyday life.

Why are you doing this?

I have found that people tend to form their opinions based on reaction and emotion rather than logic and reason. That is to say they will look at a particular subject and make conclusions based on how they feel and what they see directly in front of them rather than being based on what they have established as truth for themselves in the past. That's not to say that a person views on a topic should never change, but I believe that there are principles that every person should hold to as their beliefs, and that these principles should be applied to everyday situations to form our opinions rather than making emotional decisions that change with time or public opinion.

The effectual purpose of this project is to keep me from falling into this pattern. It is my hope that if I can put all of my ideas to print, it will help me define and refine my opinions; that I will be better equipped to defend my views, even if they go against popular opinion.

What's the time line?

Well, there is none. I'm not a particularly intelligent guy, and writing is a pretty painstaking task for me. Some of the topics at hand will be easy and not take much time or explanation, while others will need a complex post and plenty of research. I really have no idea what type of time span will be between each post. My goal is to update this project with at least one topic per week, but with life such as it is, we'll see how it goes.

This sounds boring.

Probably, yes. But then it's not really meant for the entertainment of others. I'm doing this for purely selfish reasons, and while you're welcome to read and comment, I'll be writing these with the understanding that this blog wont have many readers.


You can see that I highlighted a few subjects for you, take your pick.

Scott said...

Yes, well that blog went the way of dinosaurs and is now extinct so obviously they isn't going to happen.

Crystal Starr said...

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah's are tourning with AIH!! Just thought you should know. K, luv you, bi!

Crystal Starr said...

Go check out these guys I LOVE THEM!! They remind me of AIH! My super friend Dawn C. told me about them a while back. Now me and AudioBody is gonna B MySpace friendz! YO!

Crystal Starr said...

Oh I forgot to give you the linky...http://www.myspace.com/audiobody