Saturday, October 04, 2008

lol camping

It's a wonderful World in which a man can sit by a camp fire in the Middle of Nowhere, Wisconsin and write a blog post on his Blackberry as I am now. I don't particularly like camping, but having even a small piece of the digital age helps some. I am, however, posting this without the benefit of a spell checker. Hopefully this will provide some entertainment for an otherwise uncontroversial or particularly enlightening post. Which is not to make the claim that any of my posts ARE particularly enlightening.

We're here with Crystal's family for a little get together, and thankfully won't be spending the night. I am not one for intentionally exposing myself to nature's elements a good century after the glorious Industrial Revolution reached the American shore. I understand that there are some people who enjoy this entirely pointless activity, so I would not advocate making the practice illegal. I do think that rigorous counseling should be strongly advised, or even compelled.

Back in the real World my White Sox are in a two game hole in the ALDS against the Devil Rays. What's disappointing about this is not that they are losing, I actually expected them to lose. It's that they actually played well enough to be competetive in the first two games. And on the road in a dome at that, where they have been absolutely terrible all year. Still, they have a chance to send it back to Tampa Bay if they can simply win two games at home. That won't be the difficult part of winning the series though, the tough part will be going back to that dome and stealing one there. A task that will most likely prove beyond this team's abilities.

Across town the Cubs are in even more a dire situation. Somehow managing to lose the first two games of their series to a lesser team in the Dodgers. At home no less. I am a Cubs hater for the most part, so I can't say I feel much in the way of sadness for their demise, but I do feel a tinge of sympathy for their fans who had their hopes sky high for this year. Just a tinge though as Cubs fans are certainly nothing if not an annoying lot. What with their stupid Go Cubs Go song and blue W that never seems to come down even when they lose.

Well it's log splitting time so I should probably be signing off.



dbackdad said...

Ah, don't be so rough on camping. It can be fun. My son and I are big campers. The wife ... not so much. She thinks staying in a hotel is camping.

" ... Cubs fans are certainly nothing if not an annoying lot" -- I know, I live with one. That series is pure torture for me as there may not be two teams I hate more than the Dodgers and Cubs. My hope for the series was that perhaps a giant sinkhole enveloped the two stadiums (without casualties, of course).

Have fun wit the log splitting, Mr. Bunyan.

Scott said...

Yeah my oldest daughter is really the only one in our family that enjoys it all that much. Which is why she'll be the only one spending the nite here. The in-laws love it though so we end up going atleast for an afternoon a coupla times a year. Myself, I'm all for the hotel camping.

Anonymous said...

I used to love to go not for everyone I guess. I have to admit, a lot of booze certainly helped!

As for the Cubs, I stayed up and watched that game last night...and shed a small tear, I just don't understand it, we had the best record in baseball. By the way, how can you HATE the Cubs! I don't hate the White Sox...


Scott said...

You didn't have the best record in baseball, but you did have the best record in the National League. And they should have won. I don't know why you guys bother being Cubs fans at all, honestly.

Anonymous said...

I don't really understand it either but I can't seem to help myselfe. It must be imbedded ito my brain!
