Thursday, November 15, 2007

Rudy supporters are really proud of their little warmonger!

This is an actual Rudy Giuliani support video. It's not a satire piece making fun of Rudy for being so gung-ho about war with... everyone.

In other news I am now on Facebook. If you're a Facebooker and enjoy Facebooking as much as I, show yourself.


Crystal Starr said...


Godwhacker said...


We really live in an Orwellian world were the one man that stands unequivocally for peace is ridiculed as a Nazi and a dictator.

One of the best blogs on the internet (actually)


Laura said...

um.... that's really scary and makes no sense.

I love Facebook - I started a page when I was teaching my class earlier this year, it's a lot of fun. I keep in completely separate from my blog however. So I'm gonna look you up, but don't mention the blog on Facebook comments...

Anonymous said...

His daughter won't even be voting for him. That should indicate something.

It will be just like 1984. Perpetual war. One day, we're fighting them. The next day, we're fighting the other side, but we've always been at war with the other side.

Rudy's scary.

Peter Wantstobe said...

I guess that's the bad thing about the internet, everybody has an opinion.

S.M. Elliott said...

You'll be happy to know that my friend Alan over at (tho he doesn't update often) is a totally devoted Ron Paul supporter...even though he's Canadian. Yep, he even has his fans here!

I caved and set up a Facebook account too. It's not as fun as blogging, but I'm starting to warm up to it.

Crystal Starr said...

Post something new, lazy pants!